Investment banking technical interviews can be brutal. Yet, what most candidates don’t realize is that there is no point in prepping for hard-core technical questions if you can’t even get an interview or make it past the first round. Wall Street prep courses that focus on improving your financial skills are great yet they only solve one piece of the puzzle.  Listing a modeling course on your resume WILL NOT guaranty you an interview. Furthermore, understanding how to construct a cash flow statement WILL NOT get through the first round. 
Believe it or not, often times the first round in banking is not technical – AT ALL. 95% of the questions the interviewer asks in the first round will focus on whether you are a good cultural fit for the firm. Most interviewers want to know that you are a nice, normal person that they can sit next to you for 14-15 hours day. Building a model is secondary to being likable.  Your first task as a candidate is to NOT BE WEIRD. 
Unfortunately, most people don’t spend enough time prepping for the behavioral questions in an interview. Without a fair amount of practice, stress, nerves and rambling can all come back to bite you in the A$$. This is where GTO can help.


How Prospect Rock Partners Help? 

We understand the financial recruiting landscape and have extensive experience working with hiring managers at Bulge bracket banks, Elite Boutiques and Private Equity firms. We can help you pinpoint what went wrong during your interview and help you course correct so that it doesn’t happen again.

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