The banking industry, renowned for its intricate webs of connections, thrives on networking. As with every evolving sector, the art of networking has seen shifts, especially in the digital realm. For those eager to solidify their standing in this domain, understanding these nuances is crucial. Let’s dive deep into an updated 8-step process to strengthen your banking connections.

1. Understand the Shift: The Decline of Informational Interviews

Traditional informational interviews are now seen more as passé. There’s a certain cringe-factor when someone sends over a request asking for a “quick 20-minute chat” about their career transition. Given the demanding nature of today’s banking world, few professionals have those 20 minutes to spare. Furthermore, such requests can often appear insincere or inadequately prepared.

2. LinkedIn’s Dominance: The New Networking Frontier

LinkedIn has seamlessly filled the space left vacant by conventional informational interviews. With its structured platform revealing insights into a professional’s journey, endorsements, and aspirations, it’s the favored networking tool, especially in sectors that prioritize reputation and discretion like banking.

3. Craft a Stellar Profile

Before embarking on any networking endeavor, ensure your LinkedIn profile is polished. It should articulate your competencies, experiences, and ambitions within the banking domain. Gathering recommendations will further amplify your profile’s credibility. This is your digital pitch; make every word count.

4. Be Strategic in Your Outreach

Dispense with generic connection requests. Customize each message, drawing parallels between your ambitions and their trajectory. This not only demonstrates your genuine interest but also differentiates you from the mass of standard requests.

5. Clarify Your Networking Intentions

Why are you reaching out? Are you looking for mentorship, specific industry insights, or potential job prospects? By delineating your objectives, you can steer conversations in a more productive direction.

6. Engage Authentically and Consistently

Networking isn’t a tick-box exercise. Engage with your contacts consistently by sharing pertinent industry content or commenting meaningfully on their updates. Such proactive interactions foster organic relationships and keep you in the loop.

7. Expanding Beyond LinkedIn

While LinkedIn stands paramount, other digital platforms like Twitter also play host to a vibrant community of finance aficionados. Engaging on these platforms can yield dividends, but it’s essential to always maintain a professional and respectful demeanor.

8. Respect Time: Be Direct, Avoid Calls

While numerous professionals are genuinely keen to assist, time constraints are a reality. Instead of proposing a call, adopt a concise and direct modus operandi. If advice or insights are what you seek, formulate precise questions. For job avenues, it’s often more strategic to request a referral or introduction to the right contact within an organization.


Modern-day networking in the banking sector demands tact, strategic planning, and adaptability. By harnessing platforms like LinkedIn, crafting lucid objectives, and acknowledging the time limitations of professionals, you’re not just networking. You’re fostering significant, enduring connections in the dynamic banking landscape.

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