Worst Investment Banking Networking Fails of All Time

Truly Bizarre Networking Mistakes and Common Slip-ups

On-campus bank presentations and cocktail parties have historically been the #1 place for students to network with investment bankers. Assuming you go to a target school, your first investment banking networking experience will probably be on-campus. When I was a first-year MBA student at NYU,  I found most of these events to be stress-filled cattle calls with very low barriers to entry. The more popular or well-known the bank, the more crowded the room. I can still remember standing in the hallway, drinking a warm white wine spritzer during the Goldman Sachs presentation and cocktail party. I never even made it inside – I couldn’t fit – toooooo many people. 

Once I secured a job in banking, I had the pleasure of attending several of these recruiting events as a presenter/NYU team member and eventual NYU team leader.  Although still a cattle-call, I started to find these events to be moderately entertaining.  When I was in business school, my strategy was to sit back, watch people implode and then wait for an opportune moment to ask for a business card. It was amazing to see how many of my fellow business school classmates “blew up”. After I became a banker, I continued to observe even more bizarre networking behavior. Below please find some of my all-time favorite networking mistakes and slip-ups.

1. Drinking too much

Yes, the booze is free. No, you should not view a banking cocktail event as an “open bar” rager. Do you know your limits and how to hold your liquor? Are you sure? If liquor is not your thing – DO NOT DRINK. This is not the time to try single malt scotch. During my time at these events, I saw multiple candidates get a little too lit and then go on to slur, stumble and tell inappropriate jokes. Net, net, it was not pretty.

2. Telling Inappropriate Jokes

One of my all-time favorite on campus cocktail party questions was to ask prospective candidates to tell a joke. Jokes can lighten the mood and make people feel a bit more at ease. Jokes can also out social awkwardness and bizarre behavior. Inevitably, someone always went “there” and pole-vaulted over the “appropriate” line. Don’t be that person. Prep a clean joke.  If you don’t have a joke that you love, politely pass and stay, enjoy and observe. It’s not that hard.

3. Being Overly Everything 

We all know that you want a job YET often times I saw students that were overly aggressive, annoying and in your face. Asking 1000 rapid fire questions to prove your interest, is NOT the right strategy. Interrupting classmates to talk about yourself is NOT the right strategy. Interrupting or arguing with the person you are trying to network with is NOT the right strategy. Come to the event with 2 or 3 thoughtful questions. You MAY get a chance to ask one. Try, if you can, to be natural, respectful and calm. Do not hard-charge around the room like a hyped-up chicken without a head. You will look like a raving asshole. Bankers remember. 

4. Being Weird

Don’t be weird. Close-talkers, fast-talkers, loud-talkers and mumblers are a hard pass. People with weak, clammy handshakes are a hard pass. People who smell, profusely sweat and have bad breath are a hard pass. Personal hygiene is a good thing. Wear a suit with a tie (NOT A BOW TIE AND SUSPENDERS – YOU ARE NOT A HITTER YET AND THIS IS NOT THE 80’s); wear a lovely dress (DO NOT WEAR SOMETHING YOU WOULD WEAR OUT ON A SATURDAY NIGHT). Make an effort to look professional. Don’t show up in overly casual clothing. Also I know this probably goes without saying but… DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE HIT ON OR MAKE A PASS AT A BANKER DURING A CAMPUS COCKTAIL PARTY. Ewwwwwww! Don’t be a freak. She / he is not there to “vibe” with you. 

5. Not Following Up with an Ask

Try and remember why you are at the presentation/cocktail party to begin with. You are there to get a business card so you can network your way onto an interview list. If you don’t ask for a card, you can’t follow-up. If you don’t follow-up – well that’s just dumb.  


How Can Prospect Rock Partners Help?

We understand the financial recruiting landscape and have extensive experience working with hiring managers at Bulge bracket banks, Elite Boutiques and Private Equity firms. We can help you pinpoint what went wrong and help you course correct so that it doesn’t happen again. 

Prospect Rock Partners Services

  • Clean-up, reformat and retarget your resume so that you can secure more interviews
  • Linkedin profile analysis
  • Sample mock interview questions
  • Sample technical interview questions
  • How to Break into Banking Networking Tips and Tricks
  • Target Company recommendations
  • Target Company Prep Exercises
  • Mock-interviews
  • General guidance and support

We know the banks and know what they are looking for. With our guidance and support we will help you navigate this ultra-competitive job market and land your dream role. 

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