Uh Oh, I’m Pretty Sure I Just Bombed My Interview

Sometimes, no matter how much you prepare for an investment banking interview, something goes wrong. Maybe you didn’t sleep well or woke up with an awful headache. Maybe you got stuck in an elevator (yes this really happened to one of my clients). Maybe the MD you are interviewing with just lost a mandate or she missed her train. Maybe there was a long line at Starbucks or they were out of chocolate croissants. Who knows? If the interview feels weird, it probably was weird. Here are some things to do after an investment banking interview goes sideways.

Take Breath, Analyze and Regroup

Ok, you bombed the interview. Not your greatest moment. It happens. Now is NOT the time to beat yourself up. Once you are done licking your wounds, spend some time reviewing the interview, ask yourself if there is anything you can learn from your mistakes. Why did the interview go so poorly. Was it something in your control or out of your control? Did you screw up the HR or qualitative questions? Did you mess up on the technicals? These are things within your control that you can fix. Is this a recurring problem? Be honest.

Top tip: After a bad interview, I strongly recommend that you conduct a post mortem to figure out what went wrong. If it seems to be a recurring issue, our Counselors can work with you to analyze what is going on and work with you to course correct so that you can move to the next round. Often times identifying the issue is challenging. We are here to help. Click Here to learn more. 

Request Another Interview

No one wants to screw up interview, but employers are humans and understand that people have bad days. If you think you’ve blown an interview, don’t give up hope. Although there’s no sure fix, it’s always a good idea to send a thank you email after your interview, and it can’t hurt to explain in the note what happened. 

For example, if you were feeling sick or had an unexpected child-care emergency, you can send a thank you note saying you were under the weather or whatever the issue, and that it led to a poor performance that didn’t demonstrate your qualifications and full interest in the position. In the note, briefly explain what went wrong, explain the situation, emphasize your interest in the job and then ask if it is possible to meet a second time. Keep your explanation simple and short.

Top tip: You often only have one shot to make a first impression. If you are sick it is better to cancel the interview than fight through. No one wants to hear you cough, wheeze and sneeze during a chat. Recruiters are adept and cancelling interviews. They will tell you whether or not it is a good idea to push through. Cancelling super days is NEVER a good idea. Also be realistic. If you keep getting dinged or having an off-day, a second chance is not going to help you unless you correct the problem. 

Develop a Deep Bench

It is always better to have more interviews than less. The more interviews that you have the more chances you have to get a job. Real job interviews also allow you to practice and refine your story and develop better answers for technical questions. Mock interview are wonderful but real interviews are the best preparation you can have. The more you interview the better you are at interviewing. Shocking, not really. There is a reason why Tier 1 banks are Tier 1. They interview more people and hire fewer people as a percentage of those interviewed. They are also less likely to give you a second chance. Before you tell the recruiter you only want to consider Elite Boutiques or Bulge Brackets, know your worth.

Another reason to develop a deep bench is because hot markets turn cold quickly. Until you originate business, you are a commodity. Believe it or not, GS and MS can function 100% without you. trust me when I tell you they will be ok. If you are interviewing take the time to speak to different banks to build relationships. You never know when you might be on the beach. 

Top tip: Never be rude or dismissive to a recruiter, they will remember you. In fact, often times, they take notes in their database. I understand that there are several recruiters but sometimes we know each other and talk. Wall Street is a small tight knit community. Don’t be an asshole. 

How Prospect Rock Can Help?

We understand the financial recruiting landscape and have extensive experience working with hiring managers at Bulge bracket banks, Elite Boutiques and Private Equity firms. We can help you pinpoint what went wrong during your interview and help you course correct so that it doesn’t happen again. 

Prospect Rock Interview Prep Services

  • 360 review to analyze and assess what is happening during your interview process and where it is going wrong
  • One 30-min strategy session with a senior counselor
  • Plus two 30-min Mock Interview sessions
  • Combination of practice, feedback, and coaching
  • Tailored to focus on key issues related to your individual background, industry, and job opportunities
  • Feedback-practice loop over multiple sessions allows for full mastery of interview skills
  • Access to all GTO interview training materials, covering all aspects of the interview and job search process 

We know the banks and know what they are looking for. With our guidance and support we will help you navigate this ultra-competitive job market and land your dream role. 

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