Bonus Watch 2023: Investment Banking Edition

Bonus Watch 2023: Investment Banking Edition

Johnson Associates’ projections suggest a downward or static trend in incentive compensation across various sectors of the financial services industry following the third quarter. The outlook is particularly grim for traditional asset management, where bonuses...

2022 Investment Banking Compensation Report

2022 Key Findings While bonuses at all levels were down (20%-30%), MDs took the brunt of the hit. Their compensation, which is the most tightly linked to deal activity, fell by nearly 50%this year. Bankers in regional offices took a 10-15% larger financial haircut...
2020 Wall Street Bonus Bonanza

2020 Wall Street Bonus Bonanza

Average Wall Street Bonus Climbed 10-12% The average Wall Street bonus’ climbed 10-12% last year as the coronavirus pandemic caused market volatility and a surge in equity capital markets. According to New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli “The early...