Reflecting on my own 15-year career journey working at top-tier bulge bracket investment banks and global financial institutions, I understand the complexities and challenges people face when recruiting for a job in investment banking or private equity.

I recognize that not everyone enters the investment banking recruitment process with the same experience and resources. My personalized coaching service levels the playing field by providing you with the tools and guidance tailored to your unique background and career aspirations.

Drawing from over a decade in leadership roles at top-tier global investment banks, I have an insider’s perspective on what it takes to launch and maintain a successful career. My individualized support focuses on professional resume and deal sheet reviews, narrative and story preparation, networking strategies, firm targeting, strategic technical and non-technical interview preparation, case study guidance, offer negotiation and real-world best practices to get a leg up on the competition.

With the right coaching approach, the path forward can be clearer, more focused, and efficient regardless of where you are starting from. I’m here as your trusted ally in unlocking your potential at every step.

As an added bonus, all Clients who sign up for counseling will receive complimentary access to the Prospect Rock Partners Investment Banking Interview Prep Course ($249 value).

One-on-One Coaching

I am currently offering customized one-on-one coaching sessions focused on targeted support, including:

  • Resume & Narrative Support
  • Company Targeting and Advanced Networking Strategies
  • Interview Preparation
  • Financial Modeling and Technical Interview Support
  • Breaking into Investment Banking/Private Equity
  • Securing a Summer Internship
  • Negotiating a Raise/Offer
  • Customized Tailored Sessions Tell me your needs and we’ll design a session to match, whether it’s case prep, industry research, or other topics.

My individualized approach and real-world expertise equip you with the confidence and skills to succeed in any upcoming banking or private equity assessment.

Rates: $400/Hour (Meridith) 

4-Hour Package $1300 (Meridith) 

5-Hour Package $1500 (Meridith) 

$250/Hour (Andrea/Kim)

4-Hour Package $750 (Andrea/Kim)

5-Hour Package $1000 (Andrea/Kim)

You can also save the Stripe service fee (3%) by remitting payment via Venmo to @meridith-dennes.

Investment Banking Specialists

Meridith Dennes

Meridith Dennes

Managing Partner

Post-business school, Meridith spent nearly 15 years at top-tier bulge bracket and global investment banks. Her extensive experience in this demanding field has granted her invaluable insights into the intricacies how the market impacts recruiting. Her current Weekly IB Recruiting Brief reaches 45,000 bankers and investors and talks about the recruiting market, compensation trends and hot jobs. Dennes earned a B.A. from Northwestern University and an M.B.A. from NYU’s Stern School of Business.

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Andrea Benson

Andrea Benson

Managing Director

Andrea Benson is a Managing Director at Prospect Rock Partners. Prior to joining, Andrea spent 13 years at Bank of America across the IBD (M&A), HR (Campus Recruiting) and Tech (CIO) divisions respectively. Most recently, Andrea was the Global Head of Campus Recruiting and Operations at Morgan Stanley. She holds extensive knowledge of the global recruiting landscape and has a vast network given her tenure in the campus recruiting space. 

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Buy-side/Private Equity Specialist

Kim Oksenberg

Kim Oksenberg

Managing Director

Kim Laidlaw Oksenberg, MBA, PMI-ACP is a Managing Director at Prospect Rock Partners. Kim started her career working in equity research and high-yield sales. After her time in investment banking, she moved on to spend nine years as a private equity investor for a multi-billion dollar family of funds at Bank of New York Mellon. In 2011, she was a founder and COO Project Eve, a digital platform helping women launch new businesses and reinvent their careers. In the Spring of 2023 she is embarking on a new challenge as an Adjunct Instructor at the University of California at Berkeley teaching Agile Product Management.  Kim earned a BA with honors from the University of Vermont and an MBA with a concentration in Finance from New York University. Kim is PMI certified in Agile project management.

Getting Started

I take a personalized approach to every client. We’ll begin with an introductory consultation to understand your professional background, areas of interest, knowledge gaps, learning preferences, and career aspirations.

This session allows me to get to know you and what motivates you. I will then work with you to outline a customized action plan based on your goals and develop coaching solutions that best fit your needs.

My priority is matching each person with the right tools and mentorship approach from the start so that our time together is as productive and impactful as possible. An open dialogue allows us to build an effective working relationship focused on empowering you to reach your next level of success.

I look forward to learning more about your unique journey and how I can provide strategic guidance in our initial appointment.

Customized Career Roadmap

Together, we will design a personalized development plan outlining the technical skills and practical knowledge you need to excel in interviews and transition successfully into an investment banking role.

Drawing from over a decade of experience hiring and training top talent at leading financial institutions, I will curate a customized learning curriculum based on your current strengths and areas for growth.

My individualized roadmaps provide structured guidance on key concepts like financial modeling, valuation, market analysis, and other technical competencies. I will outline practical steps tailored to your talents and interests to help you systematically build expertise.

With a targeted game plan for strengthening your knowledge and showcasing your unique value, you can feel empowered tackling recruiting challenges, while developing the tangible skills to immediately create impact when launching your career.

I look forward to collaborating with you on mapping out your customized pathway to success. My goal is equipping you with the practical toolkit and mindset to confidently pursue your professional aspirations.

Individualized Coaching Meetings

Our coaching sessions will take place via video conference, scheduled at a cadence aligned with your calendar, interview timelines, and overall goals.

Whether preparing for an upcoming recruiting cycle, wanting to strengthen core competencies ahead of new career opportunities, or deepening your skillset for long-term success, we move at an individualized pace tailored to your needs.

I recognize the demands of academics, extracurriculars, and personal obligations in addition to interview preparation and recruiting. My priority is structuring our sessions and overall curriculum in a manageable way that integrates with your schedule.

Our video conferences create an engaging learning environment similar to meeting in-person, while avoiding commute hassles. This allows us to maximize our time together focused on your growth and development.

I look forward to our interactive 1:1 meetings and being available as your trusted ally at each step of preparation and beyond as new career milestones emerge. Consistent, customized support is key and I’m here to provide focused guidance tuned to your personal pathway.

Ongoing Career Mentorship

Our work together does not end after formal coaching sessions conclude. I remain invested in your ongoing career success even after you land your dream job.

My commitment is to see you advance into leadership roles and one day pay it forward by mentoring the next generation.

Consider me an ally for the long haul – as you establish yourself in investment banking, take on new challenges, and inevitably have to navigate periods of change and uncertainty. I will provide actionable advice, industry connections, and moral support, helping you feel empowered in your career whatever comes next.

Here are some common questions our clients have asked:

  • Despite having excellent academic credentials and attending a target school, why am I not securing interviews (or job offers)?
  • How can I tailor my non-investment banking background to appear applicable for a role in IB?

  • My academic performance may not be stellar, yet I possess distinct strengths and believe I am suited for the sector. What firms would consider someone with my background?
  • Which positions align with my interests, preferred lifestyle, and ambitions?
  • What are the initial steps in networking? How do I initiate conversations?
  • Should I target specific roles to enhance my entry prospects?
  • What strategies can optimize my transition to Private Equity/Hedge Fund roles?
  • How should I address employment gaps in my resume during interviews?
  • How should I address a RIF during my interview?
  • How can I network discreetly without alerting my current colleagues of my job search?
  • After being rejected post-interview at my ideal firm, how can I identify what went wrong and improve for future opportunities?

We can help.

About Us:

Established 2023, Prospect Rock Partners is a global executive recruitment firm that provides a wide range of financial search solutions to a robust client base that includes investment banks, private equity firms and companies looking to fill strategic finance or operational roles. Founded by a group of former Investment Bankers, Buy-side, and Financial Recruiting executives, we also provide resume review and career counseling to candidates looking to make a move. 

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