I hate to break it to you, but your grandmother was right. Prompt thank you notes are important. They are important to send to grandma AND for securing your dream job. 

Whether you are a seasoned professional or just graduating from college, a job search can be like picking your way through a minefield. Not sending a thank-you note might not completely blow up your chances at a job in the same way that picking a fight with a recruiter or bombing the technical interview might. However, by skipping this step, you will miss out on a chance to stand out in a positive way, reinforce your interest in a position, and address any concerns that came up in the interview. Not sending a thank you also telegraphs a lack of follow-through. If you were hiring someone, would you want someone that follows through and appreciates your advice or someone that doesn’t finish things?

Mistakes Were Made – Thank You Note Edition

Sitting in the wood-paneled auditorium at a top-tier investment bank packed with summer associates, I could feel the woman next to me start to panic. The head of MBA recruiting was still making her opening remarks and had just casually mentioned the nice thank you notes she receives from candidates throughout recruiting season. My seatmate groaned, flushed red, and scrunched down in her seat. If she could have crawled out of the room, I think she would have. She turned to me in a panic and whispered: 

“Oh my god. Was I supposed to be writing thank you notes?!??”

The short answer is yes. Yes, you are supposed to write thank-you notes after each interview whether it was an informational interview or part of a formal recruiting process. Don’t waste this opportunity to express your gratitude and interest. Don’t inadvertently look rude or disinterested. This is not your moment to look too cool for school. 

I didn’t say any of that. I had never met this intern before but, I could tell she was flipping out and might have a full-blown panic attack. I muttered yes but said that I was sure it wasn’t a big deal. In a hushed whisper, I even pointed out that she had gotten the summer internship that put her in this room. It did no good. Whatever else was said at that presentation was lost on her. All she could do was kick herself for missing this easy and basic step. 

A two months later at the send-off dinner summer associates, she found me over cocktails and was still talking about how she was going to “fix” her “thank you note problem” when she started interviewing in the fall. It was clear she didn’t want to make that mistake again. However, as I got shuttled over to my assigned table, I wondered if it had even occurred to her to send thank-yous to any of her mentors from the summer. To the HR managers that ran the program?

Thank you notes – What to say. When to say it.

Put away your stationery and special pen. Grandma may prefer a handwritten note but in recruiting, you’ll need to plan on sending a brief e-mail thank you within 24-hours of your interview. Snail mail takes too long. You can send a handwritten follow-up note if you think it is appropriate. If you are interviewing face to face, get a business card or contact info from each interviewer you meet so you can double-check spelling and contact information. If you are interviewing remotely or forget, contact your main point of contact and ask for the information noting that you would like to send a thank-you note. 

Yes, you need to send a thank-you note to each person you met with. No, you can’t send the same boilerplate email. While it need not be lengthy, and you can use a standard template, you will need to customize your thank-yous for each interview. Many companies ask interviewers to forward thank you notes from job candidates so they can keep them in one file. You don’t want someone to look at them and realize they all say exactly the same thing. Like my fellow summer intern, you don’t want your file to be empty either. 

Remember your thank you note is an opportunity to overcome objections, showcase your value proposition, or highlight a positive detail from the interview that makes you memorable. 

How Can Getting The Offer Help?

We understand the financial recruiting landscape and have extensive experience working with hiring managers at Bulge bracket banks, Elite Boutiques and Private Equity firms. We can help you pinpoint what went wrong and help you course-correct so that it doesn’t happen again. 

Getting the Offer Services

  • Clean-up, reformat and retarget your resume so that you can secure more interviews
  • Linkedin profile analysis
  • Sample mock interview questions
  • Sample technical interview questions
  • How to Break into Banking Networking Tips and Tricks
  • Target Company recommendations
  • Target Company Prep Exercises
  • Mock-interviews
  • General guidance and support

We know the banks and know the kinds of applicants they are trying to recruit. With our guidance and support, we will help you navigate this ultra-competitive job market and land your dream role. 

When it comes to thank-you notes, we can help you devise a customizable template, so each communication you send is timely, thoughtful, and showcases you in the best possible light. 

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